Office, Snuggy Room, Good luck Room, Lady Bug Room

Yes, it's a room of many names!  When we first visited this house- there was a snuggy as a curtain hanging up.  (see photo below..) It was quite interesting... haha.  We then decided it would become our office.  Then as I was cleaning the window and painting the window trim I found SOOO many dead lady bugs.  Then while painting the trim, about 3 lady bugs flew in!!  It was CRAZY!  So Grandmom then said "well, it's good luck! Lady Bugs mean good luck!"  then 20 minutes later Andy says "Well, it's the good luck room!  Lady bugs are good luck" haha.. it was really cute :)  So it's the room of many names!

Hard at work!

After some elbow grease and some paint- it looks like a whole new room! :)  Here's some pictures of Andy's grandparents helping us.. & Andy and his dad working hard too ... :)

After some work :)